Every student in The École belongs to a House that corresponds with one of the four colors of our school polos and T-shirts—red, white, yellow, or blue. Newly enrolled students are allocated a House color that maintains the student numbers per House even across the entire school while ensuring that siblings belong to the same House.
Each student should have at least one polo and/or T-shirt in their House color to wear for House events. Once children reach Elementary, the House system allows them to build vertical connections and relationships with students in other grades, which reinforces their sense of belonging to a close-knit community. Every September, students from 1st to 8th Grade vote for their House captain from among the 8th Grade candidates for the position. During Elementary & Middle School House meetings, led by our House Coordinator, Dara Herschenfeld, and the House Captains, students propose and work on projects and charity fundraisers, which earn points for their Houses. Students also earn points for participation in school-wide events, competitions, and performances and for representing the school in sporting and other contests. The House Cup is awarded to the House with the most points during the end-of-year assembly on Friday, June 13.
Elementary and Middle School students must wear their House-colored polo or T-shirt to school on weekly House Days. In 2024-2025, House Days are every Tuesday (excluding the dress-up/down days listed above and formal days that fall on a Tuesday), starting on the first day of school, Tuesday, September 3.
In addition, on Monday, September 16, Elementary and Middle School students from the Blue and White Houses should wear their House-colored polos/T-shirts as they will attend the campaign rallies for the 8th Grade candidates for House captain that day (the Red and Yellow House campaign rallies will be on Tuesday, September 17, which is a regular House day). Elementary and Middle School Field Day, on Thursday, May 8, is also a day students are required to wear their House color polo/T-shirt, as is Maternelle Fun Day on Friday, May 23. Friday, June 13, is also a House Day–that is when the House Cup is awarded for the 2024-2025 school year!