Nouvelles et courriers
7th and 8th Graders take Center Stage!
Last week, 13 of our 7th and 8th Grade students travelled to Dallas, Texas along with teachers Franck Le Martelot and Rémy Souchon to take part in the 12th annual Multilingual Theater Festival at Dallas International School.
The École is Growing!
This January 2019, The École took over the lease of the restaurant that occupied the ground floor and basement of our main building (and original location) at 111 East 22nd Street.
Anne-Claire Kleindienst et la discipline positive
Fondé sur la discipline positive, l’ouvrage d’Anne-Claire Kleindienst présente un guide pratique pour mieux comprendre l’enfant dans les situations du quotidien.
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FR – Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Anne-Claire Legendre, General Consul of France in New York - World of Work
The Middle schoolers had the unique opportunity to meet Anne-Claire Legendre, who took her position of Consul General of France in New York in August, 2016.