The École’s Maternelle and Elementary & Middle Schools are easily accessible by all modes of transportation; the method you choose depends on where you live.
Families from The École live all over the city—from as close as the apartment building next door to as far as Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and New Jersey.
On Foot
Families who live near the school walk, “scoot,” or bike to school—we have parking spaces available in both buildings for children’s scooters and bicycles.
There is storage space available for Pre-Nursery and Nursery parents who wish to leave their child’s stroller at school for the day.
Yellow School Bus
Kindergarten to 6th Grade students living in Manhattan also have the option of riding a yellow bus to and/or from school daily. The free bus service is provided by the City of New York and serves downtown, the upper east, and the upper west sides (see sample routes here).
Please contact bus@theEcole.org if you have any questions about the school bus service.
Student MetroCards
All children from Kindergarten to 8th Grade living more than 0.5 miles from the Elementary and Middle School Building and not riding the school bus are assigned a student MetroCard at the start of each semester (all boroughs included).